Pelvic Pain Relief

You're not alone. It's not your fault. You can relieve your pain.

If you're struggling with chronic or recurring Pelvic or Sexual Pain (including Vulvodynia, Vulvar Vestibulitis, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Pain or Burning During Sex, Vaginismus, Chronic Yeast Infections, Endometriosis, Pudendal Neuralgia, Interstitial Cystitis, lack of desire and sensation, or other pelvic and sexual pain), and are ready to heal by committing to a process of deep and lasting have found your way to the right place. I'm here to help you get back to the life you deserve.

Pelvic Pain Relief

You're not alone. It's not your fault. You can relieve your pain.

If you're struggling with chronic or recurring Pelvic or Sexual Pain (including Vulvodynia, Vulvar Vestibulitis, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Pain or Burning During Sex, Vaginismus, Chronic Yeast Infections, Endometriosis, Pudendal Neuralgia, Interstitial Cystitis, lack of desire and sensation, or other pelvic and sexual pain), and are ready to heal by committing to a process of deep and lasting have found your way to the right place. I'm here to help you get back to the life you deserve.

Does this sound like you?

You’ve tried everything. Specialists, medications, physical therapy, therapy, hormones, creams, acupuncture, nerve blocks, restrictive diets, meditation, you name it. You’ve seen more professionals than you can count.

You’ve spent hours googling “treatments for ____________” (Fill in the blank with pelvic pain, vulvodynia flare up, pelvic floor dysfunction, interstitial cystitis, pain during sex, pudendal neuraligia, PGAD, endometriosis, etc.”).

“what causes vulvodynia to flare up?”
“treatment for vulvodynia”
“can pelvic pain be caused by stress?”

So many searches…

And yet, here you are. Still in pain. And you’ve had enough.

You don’t want it to define you. But the longer you have it, the more it messes with your mind, interferes with your intimacy, and leaves you feeling broken, frustrated, and alone.

You want to enjoy your life, your body, and your relationships. I know for a fact that you can.

The thing is, treatment for vulvodynia, healing pelvic and sexual pain, pain during sex, and pelvic floor dysfunction, is about more than treating your physical body…


It’s about understanding the connection between your body, mind, and soul.

It’s about your relationship with yourself and your emotions, your ability to honor your desires, follow your joy, set boundaries, and discover YOUR truth. It’s about healing past traumas and letting go of meeting everyone else’s expectations…so that you can take care of YOU.

Your body is letting you know it’s time.

Whether you’ve been told you have Vulvodynia, Vaginismus, Pudendal Neuralgia, Endometriosis, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, or Interstitial Cystitis (or any other scary terms you can’t pronounce!), and/or you’re suffering with other types of chronic pain (back pain, migraines, etc.), chronic health issues, or anxiety, I want you to know that there IS an answer.

Say Goodbye to Pelvin Pain!

Get on the path to lasting relief with my FREE EXCLUSIVE On-Demand Masterclass today.

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Welcome, I’m Lorraine.

For over 13 years I’ve been helping women heal Pelvic and Sexual Pain, and reclaim freedom, pleasure, and joy in their body and in their life!

I’ve been where you are and relived vulvar pain using a mind body approach. 

As a pelvic pain relief coach, using a mind-body approach based on Dr. John Sarno’s approach to relieving chronic pain and Tension Myositis Syndromes (aka TMS or Mind-Body Syndrome), I’ve helped thousands of women reclaim their body, find their joy, and follow it to radiant health.

Dr. Sarno’s work (and the work of many other amazing mind-body doctors) confirmed my own experiences with how I cured my vulvodynia, and help my clients heal….that the physical body is linked to the mind and emotions. That the key to lasting relief and radiant health is within.

Together, we are going to get to the root cause of your symptoms so that you can overcome anxiety, worry, perfectionism, self-criticism, and obsessing about your symptoms…and finally, get your life back.

You’re going to learn how to trust your body again, calm your nervous system, step into your power around your health (and everything else!), reclaim pleasure and sex, reconnect to your soul’s wisdom, and achieve LASTING relief.

Because life is too short to spend another minute of it feeling confused, scared, hopeless, or powerless over your body.

“….I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with her!”

“Lorraine has been a beacon of hope for me. She is incredibly compassionate, patient, encouraging, and respectful. She’s a powerful role model for women everywhere and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with her! She’s definitely changed my life.”


“I am so happy to have tools that work!”

“I have much less tension in my body in general, and in my pelvis in particular. My vulvar burning is gone most of the time, and I know what to do when it flares up. I am so happy to have tools that work.”

Program Participant 
Program Participant

“….I am almost completely pain-free at this point.”

“I have had many angels and helpful people since the beginning of my journey but I just wanted to send you a HUGE thank you for showing me this beautiful way to get out of pain. I love, love, love everything that I have learned from you and I am almost completely pain-free at this point. I feel so much more peaceful. I am aware of my soul’s presence at all times. Thank you for putting all of the pieces together for me.”

Program Participant 
Program Participant

“I no longer think of myself as a pelvic pain sufferer.”

“By the midpoint of this course, I was able to wear panties daily. I resumed water skiing and riding a bike. I love life and appreciate myself.”


“…it was worth much more than I paid, it has changed my life”.

“I can so strongly recommend this course to any woman who feels something is off in life. You don’t even have to have pelvic pain to benefit from this course, but any kind of symptom (e.g. adrenaline disorders/fatigue, headaches, backaches) is probably an indicator you would retrieve the value from this course.”


“I am now 98% symptom-free.”

“I started working with Lorraine after listening to her free call, and in order to deepen my ability to manage my pelvic symptoms after integrating the journeys of the priestess path and of deep body tantric work. I am now 98% symptom-free and I have the skills to move symptoms when they come, by connecting to body energies.”


“I absolutely recommend the Healing Female Pain Program”

“I look at my situation in an entirely different light…I no longer resent my body or God for “turning on me”. Now I see it all differently. I absolutely recommend the Healing Female Pain program. I don’t believe anyone else is making such an important connection to our pain and our mind.”


“…I am pelvic pain free!”

“I participated in the Healing Female Pain program, and am so happy I did. Although I knew there was a connection between my pelvic pain and my emotions before the course, the work allowed me to feel those emotions rather than rationalize and “think them through”. As a result, my pain subsided significantly and 6 months later I am pelvic pain-free!”

M.L., New York, NY 
M.L., New York, NY

Learn More on My blog…

The Healing Female Pain Program

If you're suffering with Vulvodynia, pelvic floor dysfunction, pain during sex, chronic yeast infections, and other chronic pelvic and sexual pain…you deserve get back to the life you love.

is a highly effective and science based mind-body program. I'll share the tools that worked for me and for hundreds of women who have been right where you are now.

Want more support?

I work with a limited number of women each year in a highly supportive private coaching programs (via phone or online through zoom) that help them relieve pelvic and sexual pain and reclaim their lives!

If you’re tired of feeling alone and are ready to get on the path to lasting relief, I would love to support you. 

Let’s Stay Connected

Say goodbye to pelvic pain—get my FREE Masterclass!